Solo Taxonomy

Solo Taxonomy: Developing Student Thinking

Introduction to the SOLO Taxonomy

"The SOLO taxonomy is a model that describes levels of increasing complexity in students’ thinking and understanding. It was proposed by academics Biggs and Collis (1982) after classifying student’s thinking across a range of ages and a range of subjects. As thinking progresses across the levels, students move from factual, knowledge-based thinking to conceptual and abstract thinking and understanding.

Lynn Erickson’s Structure of knowledge (2002) is often used to illustrate how concepts and knowledge interact to help students form a principal generalization (similar to the “central ideas” in programmes of inquiry in the Primary Years Programme (PYP)). The foundations of being able to form these principal generalizations (or to think conceptually and understand a PYP central idea) are based on acquiring “essential” knowledge that will interact with chosen key and related concepts.

The SOLO taxonomy supports Erickson’s “structure of knowledge” as it starts with students collecting ideas, facts or knowledge before progressing to more sophisticated and demanding levels of thinking where they are required to process the information to make connections, conceptualize and transfer their understanding."

Source: IB PYP Resources

SOLO Taxonomy d

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SOLO Taxonomy's 5 Levels of Understanding 

Source: Introduction to the SOLO Taxonomy

A Quick Gide to the SOLO Taxonomy

Click/Tap image to view/download 8-page document (Direct Download)
Source: Tom Barrett's Blog

Solo Taxonomy Poster 1

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Solo Taxonomy Poster 2

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SOLO Taxonomy Explained

Aug 26, 2015 - Run Time: 10:11

Defining the Stages

Nov 11, 2011 - Run Time: 3:08

Sample Solo Workshop 1

Click/Tap image to view/download 12-page document (Direct Download)
Source: Solo Taxonomy: An introduction by Jack Cassidy "SlideShare"

Solo Examples for Workshop

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Use this sorting exercise during a Solo Introductory Workshop

Sample Solo Workshop 2

Click/Tap image to view 8-page document 
Source: Introducing Solo Taxonomy by Noel Jenkins - "SlideShare"

Sample Solo Workshop 3

Click/Tap image to view11-page document
Source: Solo Explained by Susi Yanti - "SlideShare"

Solo PYP Example

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Source: IB PYP Resources

Sample Solo Rubric

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Source: Blogging Rubric SlideShare by Emma Watts

Tools & Strategies to Support Students Using Solo Taxonomy

Google Docs: Differentiated Thinking Tools and Strategies (Public).doc 
Click/Tap image to view. To download click 'File' > 'Download' - Example)
Source: Michael Hughes @HughesT0KY0, Seisen International School, Tokyo. Updated March 2019.
Check out this learning story, developed by Michael Hughes and a team of teachers at Seisen International School, which demonstrates how they used the structure of observed learning outcomes (SOLO) taxonomy to design learning progressions to develop students’ conceptual understanding across units of inquiry. At Seisen International School, teachers use the SOLO taxonomy to support students to progress from a shallow to a deeper understanding. The SOLO taxonomy is also used when constructing success criteria for specific tasks.

Solo PYP UOI Gr 5 Rubric

Click/Tap image to view/download 2-page document (Direct Download)
Source Seisen International SchoolSee other Solo UOI Grade Level Examples using Link

Solo PYP UOI Gr 3 Rubric

Click/Tap image to view/download 2-page document (Direct Download)
Source Seisen International SchoolSee other Solo UOI Grade Level Examples using Link

SOLO Taxonomy Question Chain Example

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Source: Tom Barrett's Blog

This is an example of a SOLO Taxonomy Question Chain. A series of connected question that explores a subconcept.

Here is some of the context for creating this set of questions:

Curriculum Focus

Achievement Standard

Sub-concepts to Explore

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