International Mindedness
Connecting to the World
International Mindedness: Summary
International mindedness is an overarching construct related to intercultural understanding, global engagement and multilingualism. The concept, which is particular to the International Baccalaureate (IB), is at the heart of the IB's educational policies and programmes.
International mindedness is a view of the world in which people see themselves connected to the global community and assume a sense of responsibility towards its members.
The learner profile and approaches to learning provide the dispositions and foundational skills for the development and demonstration of international mindedness.
The learning community envisions, creates, articulates, and models a culture of international mindedness.
An internationally minded learner takes action for positive change.
Developing International-Mindedness
Podcast: What It Means to Be Human: Jane Goodall

The science Jane Goodall proceeded to do ended up shaping the self-understanding of our species. She recalled modern western science to the fact that we are a part of nature, not separate from it. Read full transcript HERE.
Jane Goodall is the founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and its youth program, Roots & Shoots. She has been the subject of many films and documentaries, including Jane Goodall: The Hope. Her books include In the Shadow of Man and Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey.
Combating Global Misconceptions
An International-Minded person strives to reduce the misconceptions they and others hold. Most people, including teachers, have severe misconceptions about the world they live in. When looking at the complexity of sustainable development, a fact-based worldview is essential. Navigate HERE to learn more.